Easy yoga for weight gain


Our first is the vajrasana or Diamond pose. For diamond pose , you need to keep your feet straight and sit in Dandasana pose and then you will bend your right knee and then keep your right heel close to your right hip and then shift your body weight towards your right. You can also use your arm to take support and now bend your left knee also and then sit in between your heels . Your left and right heel should be a little further from your hip and both the thumbs on your feet are touching each other at all times . While you`re sitting in between . Lift up your chest , so make sure you`re not collapsing in the posture . Both of your palms will remain on your knees . Now lift up your chest and close your eyes . Once you`ve close your eyes , take at least 5-10 deep breaths . Then slowly open your eyes and you can release your posture one by one . So first shift your body weight towards your right first one foot after another . Release your posture slowly and then you may sit in any cross-legged position . 


Vajrasana actually helps with proper blood circulation and is also good for your digestive system because of which you can easily gain weight .


For this asana , you first need to lie down on your belly , in makarasana then slowly bend your knees and bring your heels as close as you can to your hips then release your arms and try grabbing either the ankle or foot or even the big toe . Whatever you feel comfortable with . Then hold in that position . Keep your forehead still on the ground . And according to your capacity , while inhaling deep breath you have to pick your body to try to keep only your belly button on the floor . So inhale . Release the posture and relax in Makarasana . So this is again one of the most beautiful asanas .


Which again is extremely good for your digestive tract . It can remove toxins from your body because it has back bend and your stomach is also getting stimulated . Because of this , your internal organs function in a better way which can help you a lot in weight gain .


For pawanmuktasana , you first need lie down on your back . Lie down in Shavasana . Bend your knees and then bring your thighs close to your chest and then  hug yourself . Then while inhaling slowly , bring your forehead close to your knees . Slowly release your head then relax you thighs . Then straight one leg at a time.


This asana is very good in helping you with bloating and constipation because of which your weight gain becomes easier .


For Matsyasana , you first lie down on your back . We will do this fish posture in padmasana . First , keep your right foot on the left thigh and left foot on the right thigh . Press your elbows against the floor , lift your chest , and hold your toes . Drop your head wile lifting up your chest , meanwhile your crown chakra will touch the floor . To release the asana , lift your head first , then relax your chest . One by one relax your legs also.


One of the very good posture for your weight gain . Actually , Matsyasana accelerates of nutrients in your body , because of which you can gain weight easily in a healthy way.


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